Welcome to the Generations Educational Trust
The Trust was established following a direct approach by the DfE and currently consists of two secondaries – Goffs and Goffs-Churchgate Academy – and one primary – Flamstead End School. In addition, the Trust operates an independently run nursery from its Goffs-Churchgate site The name “Generations” was deliberately chosen for our Trust, and reflects our desire to be a Trust that educates and nurtures children from their earliest days at school. Partnership is at the heart of our all of our work, founded in a core commitment to there being no set destiny for any child, regardless of their starting point.
Fundamentally, we are committed to having a Trust that ensures:
- No set destiny for any of our children
- Quality first delivery day in and day out
- The highest standards of achievement for each child
- Robust and effective leadership and governance
- The highest standards of financial/business delivery, ensuring that the Trust’s business operation underpins the delivery and work of all of our academies
- Personalised, high quality professional development for staff, ensuring a highly skilled workforce